
All risks refer to a type of insurance coverage that automatically covers any risk that the contract does not explicitly omit. This policy broadly covers loss or damage to insured property by fire, riot and strike, terrorist activity, theft, accident, any of which arising from any fortuitous cause anywhere within the geographical limit stated. Other coverages which are available under the all-risk property insurance policy are burglary, machinery breakdown, explosion, business interruption due to loss of fire, business interruption due to the breakdown of machinery etc.

What is the limit of IAR policy?

The minimum Sum Insured required for Material Damage under an Industrial All Risk Insurance Policy is Rs100 Crores although some insurance companies offer IAR Insurance Policies for a Sum Insured of even less than Rs100 Crores. The Minimum Material Damage Sum Insured limit of Rs100 Crores can be for 1 or more location.

Sum insured

The basis of arriving at the sum insured will be the market value of the property.


Premium chargeable depends on nature of insured property, territorial limits (India or worldwide) and claims experience.

Significant exclusions

The first 1% of the claim, subject to a maximum of `5,000 (hereinafter called 'Compulsory Excess'), shall be borne by the insured.

This policy does not cover loss or damage arising from war and warlike operations, civil commotion, wear and tear, electrical breakdown, breakage of glass, theft from unattended vehicles, detention or confiscation by customs or other authorities and consequential loss.


1% of the claim amount subject to maximum of `5000. Higher voluntary excess qualifies for reduction in premium level.

Main extension

Policy may be extended to cover electrical and mechanical breakdown on payment of additional premium.


Fraud or larceny. Damage due to faulty infrastructure. Willful negligence and loss of market. Damage or destruction by order of public authority.

Jeweller’s Block Insurance:

This package policy is exclusively designed to cater to the needs of Jewellers & diamantaires. The policy consists of four sections. Section I is Mandatory, others are optional.

Section I :- Covers loss or damage to Jewellery , gold or silver ornaments or plates, pearls , precious stones , cash & currency notes whilst kept in the insured’s premises by Fire, explosion , lightning, burglary, house breaking , theft , hold up, robbery, riot, strike & malicious damage & terrorism.

Section II :- Covers loss or damage to jewellery , gold etc , as described in Section I whilst it is in the custody of the insured, his partners , employees , directors , sorters of diamonds or whilst such property is in the custody of brokers , agents, cutters & goldsmiths.

Section III :- Covers loss or damage to property described in section I whilst in transit by registered parcel , post , air freight or through angadia.

Section IV :- Covers loss or damage to trade and office furniture & fixtures in insured premises due to fire, explosion, lightning, burglary, house breaking, theft , hold up, robbery, riot strike & malicious damage & terrorism.

Commercial Establishment Insurance :-

This policy is designed for commercial establishments like offices, hotels, nursing home, schools, colleges , cinema theatre etc.

Risks covered:-

  • Buildings and contents against fire & allied perils
  • Burglary and house breaking & theft
  • Mechanical & electrical breakdown
  • Breakdown of electronic appliances like laptops, computers, cellular phones
  • Money in transit , safe & Tilt
  • Personal accidents to Employees
  • Infidility /dishonesty of employees
  • Legal liability to third parties
  • Legal liability to employees
  • Fixed glass
  • Neon Signboard/ hoardings

TV Insurance:-

TV insurance covers your television for theft, accidental damage and if something unexpectedly goes wrong with it outside the manufacturer's warranty. All the costs involved in repairing your TV, such as engineer call outs, repairs, parts and labour, are covered.

Risk covered are loss or damage due to:-

  • Fire , lightning
  • Earthquake, flood , storm & like perils
  • Riot , strike , malicious act
  • Burglary , house breaking, theft
  • Accidental external means
  • Mechanical & electrical break down
  • Liability to third party for death or personal injury out of use of TV or fittings.